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Aug 2022 RSS Feed

  1. Why You Should Always Turn Your Resume Into a PDF

    Sending out your resume is easier than ever these days as most companies now accept and even expect resumes to be sent in digital form. Creating your resume using popular word processing software titles like Microsoft Word is easy. Many word processing apps even come with resume templates to make...

  2. Must-Try Food When You're in Atlanta

    Atlanta is a foodie's dream! It's home to some of the best southern food, but Atlanta's trendy side also gave birth to some innovative culinary experiences. It's a hub for art and cuisine, leading to unique dishes you can't miss. Not sure where to start? Here are some...

  3. Why Digital Payments are Beneficial

    Digital payments have come a long way since the dawn of the Internet. In the beginning, services like PayPal provided the ability to send digital dollars back and forth across the web, but getting money into an account was tough. On top of that, APIs for these services were clunky and difficult...