Why You Should Always Turn Your Resume Into a PDF

Sending out your resume is easier than ever these days as most companies now accept and even expect resumes to be sent in digital form. Creating your resume using popular word processing software titles like Microsoft Word is easy. Many word processing apps even come with resume templates to make things even simpler.

Although creating and sending out a resume is convenient using digital technology, you’re cautioned against sticking to only one document file format. You may be doing yourself a big disservice if you don’t convert your resume into a portable document format (PDF) file.

Not Everyone Uses Word

PDF is a format that can be read on several devices using various reader software, but Word documents require Microsoft Word to be installed to be opened in most cases. If you’re sending out your resume as a Word document only, this means that you may be limiting your job search since not all employers will be able to read your resume as not all employers use Word.

As a side note, most PDF document software can convert Word documents to PDF. If you plan to use Word exclusively, consider at least using PDF document software to convert a copy just in case an employer requests a different format. Find the best PDF document software online by visiting this website.

PDF Files Are Often Smaller

Another reason to turn your resume into a PDF is that PDF files are often smaller in size. This is due to the compression that gets applied to large files.

You may not think this makes a difference, but some email services have hard size limits that can make it impossible to send documents over a certain size. Also, some resume submission applications on the web will limit the size of a resume file that gets uploaded to an employer's internal system.

PDFs Can Be Read on the Go

Lastly, since PDF files can be read by different devices, employers can look over your resume from a smartphone or tablet when you use PDF. This potentially opens up more opportunities for busy employers to read your resume when traveling or in between meetings.

Read a similar article about electronic signature software here at this page.

  1. doc to pdf converter
  2. merge pdfs online
  3. pdf document redaction
  4. pdf document software

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