Tags: engineering design process

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  1. Video: Dog Gone It in the Classroom

    16 Oct 2017 | Contributor(s):: James Daniel Lehman

    This video shows the phases of the SLED engineering design process during the implementation of the Dog Gone It! design task in a 3rd grade classroom. The video was shot over a period of four consecutive days during the spring of 2016 in Terri Fisher's 3rd grade class at Burnett Creek...

  2. Engineering Design Assessment PowerPoint

    29 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Colleen Cooper, James Daniel Lehman, Aaron Hamilton

    This PowerPoint presentation accompanied the session on engineering design assessment at the SLED summer workshops in 2017.

  3. Lifeguard Chair Design Process PowerPoint

    29 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman, Chell Nyquist, Todd Richard Kelley

    These PowerPoint slides address the engineering design process in the context of the Lifeguard Chair design activity.

  4. Molly Heil

    Middle School Special Education Teacher


  5. Trenton James Porter




  7. Introduction to Engineering Design

    11 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s):: Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman

    PowerPoint slides on engineering design from day 1 of the 2013 SLED Summer Institute.