X Ways to Stop Your Emails from Being Sent Directly to Spam

Software for email marketing can help you deliver carefully crafted content to a broad audience. But none of the work you put into those emails matters if they get sent directly to the spam folder! Find the best software for email marketing by visiting this website.

About 400 billion spam messages get sent every day, so it's no surprise that users take full advantage of filtering features. So how can you ensure that your emails don't get caught in the shuffle?

Here are some techniques that can lower the chances that your emails get sent to spam.

Stay Compliant

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 set some standards on commercial emails. Spam filters often look for non-compliant emails. Failing to comply can lead to hefty fines, so following the CAN-SPAM Act guidelines is a must.

Many rules exist. However, the most important are avoiding misleading subjects and deceptive headers. You must also identify yourself, provide options for opting out, and more. Follow these rules, and you should have no issue bypassing strong spam filters.

Avoid Commonly Filtered Phrases

Another thing you can do is steer clear of phishing phrases. Some examples include:

  • Member
  • Sale
  • Strong calls to action
  • Deal

That list is by no means comprehensive. Phishing is about getting users to click links so that cybercriminals can steal sensitive information. One way they do that is by looking like a legitimate commercial email.

You have to tread lightly and use your software for email marketing to craft messages that avoid spam triggers.

Add a Text-Only Version

HTML emails are great for creating eye-catching marketing material. However, they tend to trigger spam filters. It's about achieving a balance between HTML content and traditional text.

Don't worry: You don't have to forgo HTML entirely. One technique to avoid spam-folders is to include a text-only version. That way, readers can choose to ignore HTML content and focus on the text.

Making Sure Your Emails Are Seen

These are just a few tips to follow. Combine methods to make your emails as filter-friendly as possible!

Read a similar article about the best push notification service here at this page.

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  3. messaging workflow
  4. mms software
  5. software for email marketing
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