How to Share a PowerPoint With Anyone

PowerPoint presentations are an easy, powerful way to share all kinds of information with others, both in the workplace and online. The history of PowerPoint stretches back over 30 years, and today, it’s still used to create captivating presentations using text, images, video, and interactive elements that can convey big ideas with ease.

Because PowerPoint is most often used for business, it only makes sense that you’ll want to share your presentations. However, many people are unsure of how to share PowerPoint projects outside of live presentations. The fact is that you can share PowerPoint presentations in a number of ways aside from the traditional in-person method, allowing your ideas to reach more people in more places.

Below are some tips to help you share your PowerPoint presentations with anyone:

Convert Your Projects

One of the really nice things about using PowerPoint is that its associated PPT files can be converted into other formats. For example, you can convert PPT to PDF to share your presentation through a readable document. When you convert PPT to PDF, you can spread your ideas through email and also reach people who may not have access to Microsoft’s PowerPoint. Visit this website if you need to convert PPT to PDF.

Use In-App Options

PowerPoint itself also gives you the ability to share your project with others. On PC, this can be done by selecting the “Share” option from the left-hand side of the screen in the pull-out menu. On a Mac, this can be done similarly, but you’ll need to select “Share” from the “File” menu drop-down at the top left of your screen.

When sharing from inside PowerPoint, you may also be presented with the option to add collaborators. This is handled through Microsoft's OneDrive cloud service, so your collaboration partners will also need to have OneDrive access.

Share in a Browser

You can also share PowerPoint presentations through your web browser if it is equipped to do so. Different browsers have different methods of doing this, but for the most part, you will need to be logged in to your Microsoft account in order to share. Likewise, there are various browser plugins and add-ons that can make the sharing process simple.

Read a similar article about edit a PDF here at this page.

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