How Data Integrations Increase Your Business Productivity

Data is everywhere these days, and it serves as the lifeblood of modern commerce. Without data, your business is placed at a competitive disadvantage, but simply having access to data isn’t enough. You need to integrate this data to put it to good use.

Data integration is the process of bringing together various pieces of data from different sources for a specific goal. In this process, you are integrating data with a purpose instead of simply compiling all of the data you gather together. When done correctly, data integration can increase productivity and allow you insights into your customers like never before.

Examples of Data Integration

Data integration can take place in a virtually limitless manner, and how you integrate your company’s data comes down to what data sources are available and what you’re trying to achieve. An example of this could be found in your marketing efforts.

By gathering analytics data from your social media ads or using Google Analytics to track your engagement through targeted ad campaigns, you can integrate the results into a spreadsheet along with customer data. This data can then be integrated with your email client to nurture leads.

You can also integrate company data to work more efficiently. For example, you can take QuickBook sales commission report data and integrate it with your accounting software to seamlessly generate commission payouts. Using your QuickBook sales commission report data, you can also integrate various KPIs during a quarterly initiative to compare sales against goals. Download QuickBook sales commission report by getting a software at this website.

Security is the Key

Managing data is only one part of the equation in generating productivity from data. You also need to ensure that your data is secure during collection, archival, and transmission. Allowing data to go unsecured can lead to legal trouble and lost productivity.

Depending on your industry and the type of data you handle, there may also be specific regulations that you must adhere to in the handling of sensitive data. As a result, make sure you have worked closely with your legal team to discuss this matter before embarking on any data integration initiatives.

Read a similar article about best sales commission tool here at this page.

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