• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Open/Anyone
  • Created 26 May 2011

The Center for Authentic Science Practice in Education (CASPiE) is a multi-institutional collaborative effort designed to address major barriers to providing research experiences to younger undergraduate science students.


CASPiE will take advantage of the complementary strengths and needs of its different partner institutions to develop a program that will:

1. Provide first and second year students with access to research experiences as part of the mainstream curriculum.

2. Create a collaborative, “research group” environment for students in the laboratory.

3. Provide access to advanced instrumentation for all members of the collaborative to be used for undergraduate research experiences.

4. Help PUI faculty develop research projects so that their own research capacity is enhanced and the students at these institutions can participate in this research.

5. Create a research experience that is engaging for women and ethnic minorities and appropriate for use at various types of institutions, including those with diverse populations.