2012 Summer Institute Week 1 Reflection
14 Jun 2012 | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman, Brenda Capobianco, Dana Nicole Ruggiero
Complete this reflection prior to Friday's SLEDhub workshop.
Advisory Board Agenda for 5-12-2011
12 May 2011 | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman, Brenda Capobianco, Chell Nyquist
Agenda for advisory board meeting of May 12, 2011.
Advisory Board PowerPoint for 5-12-2011
12 May 2011 | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman, Chell Nyquist
PowerPoint slides for the advisory board meeting of May 12, 2011.
Assessment Examples
23 Jun 2011 | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
Examples assessments from the mini-workshop on Gathering Evidence to Improve Practice.
Bio-Inspired Paper Flowers
03 Jun 2014 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, Kari Clase, Alyssa Panitch, Evan Rebar, Tahira Reid, Nancy Tyrie, James Daniel Lehman
This grade 3 lesson introduces students to the basic structures of plants and their functions. Students are challenged to create paper flowers that turn colors through processes that mimics how real plants function.
Bio-Inspired Paper Flowers PowerPoint
16 Jun 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint slides for the bio-inspired paper flowers activity during the 2014 SLED Summer Institute.
Bottle Design PowerPoint from 2012 SLED Summer Institute
25 Jun 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint presentation for the bottle design activity from the 2012 SLED Summer Institute by Professor Larry Braile.
Candy Bag PowerPoint Summer 2017
29 Jun 2017 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman, Chell Nyquist
This PowerPoint presentation accompanied the Candy Bag design task at the SLED summer workshops in 2017.
Circuits PowerPoint
10 Jun 2013 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
PowerPoint slides to accompany the Design of a Door Alarm task.
Constraints and Criteria Video
30 Jun 2014 | Demonstration Video | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This video, produced by the SLED project, features several engineers discussing the difference between constraints and criteria in engineering design tasks.
Design of a Door Alarm
10 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
This grade 4 design task helps students learn about simple circuits by designing a door alarm.
Design of a Green Roof
03 Jun 2014 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, Kari Clase, Alyssa Panitch, Evan Rebar, Tahira Reid, Nancy Tyrie, James Daniel Lehman
This grade 4 lesson addresses standards related to plant adaptation and response to the environment. Students are challenged to construct a model of a green roof for a house.
Design of Musical Instruments for a Rock Band
10 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
This grade 3 design task helps students to learn about sound by designing a stringed musical instrument.
Design Process for SLED PowerPoint
11 Dec 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Alyssa Panitch, Todd Richard Kelley
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the SLED design process.
Design Team Developed: Compost Bin Lesson Plan
05 Apr 2011 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
SLED project lesson plan for compost bin design task.
Design Team Developed: Sun Tracking System for a Solar Panel
13 Sep 2012 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, Kari Clase, John Grutzner, Alyssa Panitch, Nancy Irene Tyrie
This lesson plan is designed for 6th grade and addresses topics related to the sun-earth-moon system. Specifically, this lesson addresses that seasons result from the tilt of the earth, which causes changes in sunlight intensity and length of day. Related mathematical standards address...
Designing Professional Development Template
08 Jun 2015 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
This template is for SLED teachers to design professional development experiences for other teachers. It was developed for use during the 2015 summer institute.
Designing Safer Roadways
03 Jun 2014 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Kendra A Erk, James Daniel Lehman
This grade 4 design task focuses on forces, motion, and transportation systems by challenging students to design a roadway that will slow and then stop vehicles from running off the road.
Designing Safer Roadways Slides
11 Jun 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Kendra A Erk, James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint slides for the Designing Safer Roadways activity in the 2014 SLED Summer Institute.
Designing Safer Roadways Support Materials
03 Jun 2014 | Demonstration Video | Contributor(s): Kendra A Erk, James Daniel Lehman
These materials are intended to support the Designing Safer Roadways design task. The materials include videos of successful and unsuccessful trials as well as a PowerPoint slide that illustrates the roadway zones.