Creating and Fostering an Online Community of Practice
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Abstract is an online community of practice for K-12 teachers, university researchers, administrators, and combinations of those groups. It was built on HUBzero architecture by the Discovery Learning Research Center at Purdue University. This architecture was originally created by researchers of the HUB Technology Group at Purdue University
in conjunction with the NSF-sponsored Network for Computational Nanotechnology to support HUBzero is a general platform used to create dynamic web sites for scientific research and educational activities by offering an organized collection of tools and resources. While
it is accessed through a standard web browser, it is more than a web site because it uses "middleware" to host tools for simulation, modeling, collaboration, presentation, and blogging. The HUBzero platform facilitates the hosting of interactive scientific tools, online presentations, or documents such as lesson plans and courses for downloading or interactive editing, complemented by document tagging to enable searching and a rating tool for commenting on shared resources. Most importantly, provides K-12 teachers and students direct access to researchers and current research at Purdue and across the world. It also allows users themselves to create and manage their own groups, resources and communities of practice.
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