Problem Based Approach to Instruction

By Kari Clase1, Peg A Ertmer1

1. Purdue University

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RGS Summer 2011 Supplemental Material:
This chapter examines the problem-based learning approach to instruction
from the perspective of instructional design theory and synthesizes the current knowledge and theory into some universal methods, situational methods, and principles for a theory of problem-based instruction (PBI).* The history of public education provides many examples of changes in philosophy and shifts in the influences of society on instructional practice. During the transition from the Agrarian Age to the Industrial Age, public education adopted a teacher-centered approach to instruction. In the current Information Age (or knowledge age), in which knowledge work has replaced manual labor as the predominant form of work, methods of instruction that revolved around sorting students are giving way to methods that revolve around helping all learners to reach their potential. One instructional innovation that has persisted and continues to prosper is PBI.


John Savery

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kari Clase; Peg A Ertmer (2012), "Problem Based Approach to Instruction,"

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