Analysis of the Teacher Training System in Ethiopia with Specific Reference to Areas for Improvement

By Teklu Tafase Olkaba1, Adula Bekele Hunde1, Tadesse Regassa Mamo1, Gemachis File Duressa1, Dereje Daska Keno (contributor)1

1. Jimma University

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The objective of this study was to analyse the teacher training system in Ethiopia with the view to identify opportunities for revitalization. The analysis started with a desk review before proceeding to a survey. This was conducted in South West Ethiopia. The analysis of the teacher training system was framed in line with teachers’ social status of teaching profession; modalities of the teacher education program; program structure and curricula; teacher education and school partnership; qualification requirement; processional development and teacher competences. The findings confirm weak social status of the teaching profession and statistically significant difference between students’ and teachers’ perception of teacher competence. Gaps in the structure and curricula of teacher education programmes; school partnerships; and teacher qualification requirements are noted. Review of teacher training programmes, improving teachers’ benefits and establishment of a quality assurance mechanism in teacher education are recommended.


The authors and contributors acknowledge Jimma University college of education and behavioral sciences  particularly General Education Quality Improvement  Program(GEQIP) coordination office.


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  • Teklu Tafase Olkaba; Adula Bekele Hunde; Tadesse Regassa Mamo; Gemachis File Duressa; Dereje Daska Keno (2020), "Analysis of the Teacher Training System in Ethiopia with Specific Reference to Areas for Improvement,"

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