The Advantages of Growing the American Hemp

Growing the American hemp brings many benefits both financial and environmental. Hemp is the main source of CBD, on the economic side of things, the yields from this plant can be used in the manufacture of a number of consumer products. We will first focus on the environmental benefits of growing hemp. 

It makes the world greener

One of the main advantages of hemp is that it grows in large amounts. As a result, you can get over ten tones of hemp from just acre piece of land. Considering that hemp is grown in thousands of acres around the world, you can imagine the amount of the plant already growing in the globe. The good thing is that plants consume carbon dioxide from the air in order to complete the process of photosynthesis. When you have plants growing in large numbers such as hemp, you are able to remove a lot CO2 from the air. Carbon dioxide is the main cause of global warming.

Aids in crop rotation

When planted, most crops deplete nutrients and air from the soil. This necessitates you to add fertilizers in your farm during the next planting season. Over time, the soil is destroyed and you find that your crops are not doing as good as before. Luckily, hemp has the ability to nourish the soil with nutrients and carbon dioxide. As a result, hemp is a great plant for crop rotation. In fact, you will find that the crop that follows hemp does better than when hemp had not been planted. This cuts your costs on fertilizers and labor. 

Industrial applications

Hemp has a wide range of applications in the manufacturing industry. For example, hemp is a raw material in the paper, fuel and plastic industries. This results in products that are greener for the environment.  Unlike its tree alternatives, hemp paper does not require the use of harmful chemicals in its production. Also, you will find that hemp fuel burns cleaner than diesel and petrol fuels. This creates a cleaner environment for us all to live in. 

Medical applications

American Hemp is important in medical field as a therapeutic product. This is because hemp is used in calming and relaxing the body thereby eliminating stress and anxiety. The discovery of medical marijuana led to increased interest in hemp as a source of medicine. The good thing with this plant is that it des not cause any side effects on the user. In addition, the substance does not have nicotine and thus is not addictive.

Growing the American hemp can bring a lot of benefits to both the user and manufacturing industries. This is because hemp has all the positive values of marijuana without making one feel high.

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