Dairy proteins can be nanoengineered to act as functional stabilizers for food

Finland scientists are claiming that dairy proteins and polysaccharides could be nano engineered as new functional stabilizers in case of food and packaging. Finland has sponsored the Tailored Nanostabilisers for Biocomponent Interfaces vpn free master for engineering and construction of functional nanoscale particles for sensitive bio components in foods.

These particles are expected to act as active emulsions for stabilizing foams and sensitive components in case of processing. In case of food packaging it is aimed at improving the barrier properties of the biopolymers for evaluating the possibility of incorporating enzymes in the case of nanoscale particles in packaging materials. These enzymes are expected to give increased functionality such as freshness indicators.

The researchers are working on the premise that proteins and carbohydrates could act as a nano stabilizer in case of bioactive components.



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