Handy Gives You Reasons to Quit Drinking Coffee


According to Handy, it has become a trend to have a cup of coffee in a costly restaurant and people from all over the world enjoy drinking this beverage. Many people have the wrong notion that coffee helps you to increase your productivity and energy and allows you to function more efficiently in your daily life. But it is not so and drinking coffee is not a good option when it comes to health.

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The Reasons

Here are some reasons why you should quit drinking coffee:

1. Coffee can reduce the quality of sleep - Coffee is a natural stimulant for the brain and as such, it can highly affect the sleeping pattern and the quality of sleep. This is most noticeable if you drink coffee before going to bed. When you stop drinking Coffee you will certainly get an improvement in the quality of sleep and feel well-rested in the morning.

2. You can save a lot of money - The cost of coffee has been increasing day by day and quitting coffee can help you to save a lot of money. You may not have realized how much you spend on coffee per month and quitting coffee can certainly help you to save this unnecessary expense. If you can save some bucks for coffee you will be able to spend those in other necessary things that your body actually requires.

3. You can lower your blood pressure - When you drink coffee, it increases your blood pressure instantly although it does not last a long time. But that sudden increase in blood pressure is not good for health. So, drinking a lot of coffee per day can certainly be a pretty serious issue. Quitting coffee can help you to protect your body from such an issue and you will get relieved from the illness that is related to skewed blood pressure.

4. Drinking too much coffee can lead to the loss of vitamins and minerals - It is generally seen that people who drink a lot of coffee regularly usually have an elevated level of urination. Such a habit can lead to a deficiency in the necessary minerals in your body. For example, you may lose magnesium, calcium, potassium. As a result, it will lead to an electrolyte imbalance in the body. Thus, drinking a few cups of coffee regularly can leach away minerals that you need for maintaining the wellness of your body.

5. Drinking too much coffee can lead to tooth decay and staining - One of the main reasons for staining of your teeth is drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Again, it may also cause tooth decay and depends on how much sugar you take in every cup of coffee every day. Getting your flavored coffee from the popular and reputed cafe can lead to more decay and stain your teeth even more. So, quitting the habit of drinking a few cups of coffee every day can help in preventing tooth decay and staining.


Handy understands that it is not easy to quit drinking coffee if you are a heavy coffee drinker. So, you should proceed to reduce the amount you drink every day and progress slowly so that you don’t feel any withdrawal symptoms.

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