Can you buy motivation to wake up and work out

As in a swing, a wave of “Fit India” movement that focuses on the benefits of yoga is going on. Here the respected minister for information and broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore has challenged everyone for the fitness and here’s how you buy motivation to wake up as a challenge.

You can read the blog here: 

And I have some early morning workout motivation quotes:

“Actually I just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed. Just like that”.

“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there”.

“Train like a beast look like a beauty”.

How to work out by yourself

·  Have a sound playlist

Whether you’re running, riding a bike or simply walking you really need to enjoy some good workout jams.  Brush up your playlist with some new and workout motivation music!

·  Plan your workout wear

It’s just an excuse that you don’t have enough time in the morning! Select your comfortable workout wear, a night before so that you don’t need to make freaky faces in the morning in search of a dress.


  1. Exercise bike
  2. motivation
  3. student motivation
  4. work out

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