"Cost of Penile Enlargement in Dubai"

The cost of Penile Enlargement in Dubai can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The specific procedure chosen: Surgical procedures like penoplasty will generally be more expensive than non-surgical options like dermal fillers or P-Shots.
  • The surgeon's expertise and experience: More experienced and qualified surgeons may command higher fees.
  • The clinic's location and reputation: High-end clinics in Dubai may have a premium associated with the service.

Here's a general idea of the cost range:

  • Surgical Penoplasty: This can range from AED 30,000 (around $8,200 USD) to AED 100,000 (around $27,200 USD) or even higher depending on the complexity of the procedure.
  • Dermal Fillers: The cost can be around AED 10,000 (around $2,700 USD) to AED 20,000 (around $5,400 USD) per session, with multiple sessions potentially needed.
  • P-Shot: This procedure might cost around AED 5,000 (around $1,360 USD) to AED 15,000 (around $4,100 USD).

Additional Costs to Consider

  • Consultation fees: There may be a separate consultation fee with the urologist to discuss the procedure and your suitability.
  • Anesthesia: Depending on the procedure, anesthesia costs may be added.
  • Post-operative care: This could include medications and follow-up appointments.

Finding Out Exact Costs

The best way to get an accurate estimate for your specific situation is to consult with a qualified urologist in Dubai for penuma surgery in dubai. They can assess your individual needs and provide a personalized cost breakdown.


  • Price shouldn't be the sole deciding factor. Choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who prioritizes your safety and realistic outcomes.
  1. penile enlargement in dubai
  2. penile enlargement penile enlargement surgery

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