Mainland License in Dubai: Your Ultimate Guide to Business Setup in UAE

In the bustling hub of global commerce that is Dubai, obtaining a mainland license is a pivotal step for entrepreneurs looking to establish their businesses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and favorable business environment, Dubai continues attracting investors worldwide. However, navigating the intricacies of business setup in UAE, particularly obtaining a mainland license, can be a daunting task without the right guidance.

Understanding Mainland License in Dubai

A mainland license grants businesses the authority to operate within Dubai and across the UAE without any restrictions on the location of business activities. Unlike free zone licenses which confine businesses to specific geographic areas, a mainland license offers greater flexibility and access to a broader market. This license allows companies to engage in various commercial activities across the UAE mainland, including trading, manufacturing, services, and consultancy.

Benefits of Mainland License

1. Access to Local Market: With a mainland license, businesses can cater to the local market, including government entities, corporate clients, and individual consumers, across the UAE.

2. No Currency Restrictions: Mainland companies can transact in any currency without limitations, facilitating smoother financial operations and international trade.

3. Potential for Unlimited Visa Quotas: Mainland companies can obtain an unlimited number of visas for employees, depending on office size and other criteria, enabling easier recruitment and talent acquisition.

4. Diverse Business Activities: Unlike some free zones that have restrictions on the types of activities permitted, mainland companies can engage in a wide range of business activities without constraints.

Process of Obtaining Mainland License in Dubai

1. Choose a Local Sponsor: To establish a mainland company in Dubai, foreign investors must partner with a local sponsor, who must be a UAE national or a company wholly owned by UAE nationals. The local sponsor will hold 51% of the company shares, while the foreign investor(s) can own the remaining 49%.

2. Select a Suitable Business Activity: Determine the nature of your business activities and ensure they comply with the regulations set by the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai.

3. Secure Premises for Business Setup: Find a physical office space that meets the requirements specified by DED for the chosen business activity.

4. Prepare Legal Documents: Compile all necessary legal documents, including passport copies, NOC from the sponsor, tenancy contract, and business plan, to submit to the DED for approval.

5. Submit Application to DED: Submit the application for mainland license along with the required documents to the DED. The process typically involves initial approvals, payment of fees, and final issuance of the license.

6. Obtain Approvals and Permits: Upon receiving the mainland license, obtain any additional approvals or permits required for specific business activities, such as special permits for certain industries or certifications for professional services.


Securing a mainland license in Dubai is a pivotal step for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a strong presence in the dynamic business landscape of the UAE. With its numerous benefits and opportunities for growth, a mainland license opens doors to the vast market potential of Dubai and beyond. By understanding the process and requirements involved, entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of business setup in UAE with confidence and embark on a successful journey towards business success.


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