The Advantages of Light Gauge Steel Frames
We can supply the enormous benefits that light gauge steel frames provide to our clients as well as the environment since we use them. Steel frames are versatile, allowing clients to use the whole range of building materials available on the local and global market.
Light Steel Framing uses CNC roll forming in our light weight framing production process, which provides for a more efficient and speedy building method overall. This all-inclusive construction process is one-of-a-kind and is continually transforming the way development is done, and it is extremely advantageous to all parties involved.
Reasonably priced
Steel frame manufacture is entirely automated, making full use of today's computer technology to improve operational efficiency. Schedule is saved, and projects are more likely to be completed on time.
Simple to construct
The steel frames are made using extremely precise and computer-controlled technology. As a result, the steel frames are easier to manufacture and take less time to complete.
The power factor
Because steel has the highest strength-to-weight ratio, your construction will be more able to withstand natural forces and will give superior protection against strong winds and fires.
When steel frames are employed in the design of a building or house, there is more room for innovative ideas. Light Steel Framing has aided customers in the construction of their home, which was comprised of unique forms that could not be completed using conventional building methods or materials, such as wood. Buildings or houses that require a larger span are also made more feasible and easy by the use of steel framing.
Long-lasting and secure
Steel frames require less regular maintenance since they retain their form over time without shrinking, bending, warping, or changing. Because steel is pest resistant, your building or dwelling will be more sustainable in the long run because its main structure is comprised of this extremely durable material.
Steel frames are a great option for safety. It is suitable for usage in high-risk fire zones since it is non-combustible and does not contribute to the spread of fire.
Environmentally conscious
Steel creates less waste in construction, and when a building or dwelling is demolished, the steel may be recycled indefinitely without losing any of its properties. Steel is 100% recyclable! That is an advantage that we should all take use of right now.
Efficient usage energy
Steel frame construction is frequently significantly more energy efficient than other types of construction. Because of the features of steel framing, each wall has LESS studs, which means FEWER thermal connection points where heat (energy) may be lost, and therefore LESS money is lost from your wallet to those energy bills.