ILM is creating the Orcs for the World of Warcraft film

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Star Wars effects studio working on WoTLK Classic Gold film, and Orcs battle. Humans origin story

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) The prolific Academy Award winning visual effects studio behind the franchises Star Wars and Indiana Jones is currently working on the planned World of Warcraft film, Blizzard Entertainment announced today at BlizzCon in an event specifically for the film.

Particularly, ILM is creating the Orcs for the World of Warcraft film, that will be played by actors who are real. Colin Farrell has reportedly been given the lead role in the film, however, his casting decision was never discussed at the panel.

The World of Warcraft movie will include a mix of live-action and CGI. The director of visual effects of the movie, Bill Westenhofer, described the Orcs as "gritty and real," going on to declare that the film will appear to be "Avatar with Game of Thrones."

Westenhofer has been awarded Oscars in the films Life of Pi and The Golden Compass. He is also an experienced and avid World of Warcraft player, beginning to play the game during its initial beta version in 2004. He is currently playing with a level 90 character.

Two key characters from this World of Warcraft film--an Orcs. vs. Humans origin story were also confirmed at an event: Durotan and Lothar, who will battle it out. Both characters desire to do what is right for their families director Duncan Jones said, though there was no additional information available.

The cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold movie will be released on the 18th of December on the 18th of December, 2015. Jones stated that he is hopeful that the movie is released both in 2D as well as 3D and that the film is likely to be rated at PG-13. Blizzard CEO Paul Sams recently explained in detail the reasons why the film won't fall flat onto its face, like other games-based films that came before it.

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