Coir Geotextiles | Utilization a Waste Product of Coconut Become a High Marketable Value

Coir geotextiles - Coconut coir waste can not only be used as upholstery for upholstery and chairs. Currently, coconut fiber can also be used as a green product called coir geotextiles. By forming a net, coir geotextiles are useful for the reclamation of former mining areas.

Coconut tree or Cocos nucifera has long been known to have many benefits. Starting from the roots, stems, leaves, fruit to the midrib, everything can be used. Coconut can be used as raw material for various handicraft products, processed food, and beverages, shell charcoal, to dyes in household furniture.

Processed products from various parts of the coconut tree continue to grow. One of them is a processed product from coconut coir waste, which is used as a coconut coir net. Coir geotextiles is a net made of coconut coir. the material is made of one hundred percent natural and environmentally friendly materials. Usually, coir geotextile, or can be called cocomesh are used as a garden medium and stabilizing material for slopes or sloping land. coir geotextiles are cheaper and more efficient than using rock surfaces or geotextiles which are generally used in structural reinforcement on sloping land.

Coir geotextiles have proven to be effective in preventing landslides or soil erosion and keeping the soil from moving from its place and preventing the erosion of nutrients that can cause plants to grow, all because of the high ability of coir geotextiles to absorb water and become capable of becoming humus. Within 3 years the coconut fruit will be degraded by the soil and plants that live on it because the material comes from plants.

Get to know the function of coir geotextiles Coir

Coir geotextiles is a net made of coconut husk that helps in the reclamation of mines, beaches, or forests. coir geotextiles function as a growing medium for plants, very suitable for reclamation of former mines or beaches, strengthening cliffs, preventing erosion, strengthening soil, strengthening paths along railroads, strengthening cliffs for roads or bridges. Its biodegradable and strong nature helps facilitate the growth of new plants in coconut fields placed on ex-mining land.

The use of coir geotextiles has been proven to reforest former mining areas or bare forests. In addition, coir geotextiles can be used as an initial layer for road support before asphalt, so that the asphalt or road does not break and crack.

Advantages of coir geotextiles Coir

The advantages of coconut fiber or coconut fiber over geotextiles made of synthetic materials include:

  • The material is a natural fiber
  • Strong fiber material, durable but biodegradable
  • Able to withstand water and others.

Coir geotextiles has been proven to reforest ex-mining areas or bare forests. Many ex-mining greening consulting companies have started to switch to natural materials. The nature of the coir geotextiles material made from coconut fiber, which is able to store water for a long time, causes the soil surface covered by this material to maintain moisture. This is able to affect the structure of the soil so that it is easy to plant with seeds or seeds, besides that it is also coir geotextiles as a substitute for soil when planting seeds or plant seeds.

The advantage of this coir geotextiles material is that it is durable, according to this source, it can last about 4 years or more so the material can grow during the period of new vegetation growth. The use of coir geotextiles material is very suitable for sloping or rocky land, judging from the elastic properties. Examples that have been applied are in ex-mining areas.

  1. coir geotextiles in roads
  2. coir geotextiles uses
  3. coir net manufacturers
  4. coir roll matting
  5. erosion control coconut matting
  6. erosion protection matting

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