Choosing The Perfect Diamond: Understanding Certification Standards

When choosing any diamond, even an ashes-to-jewels diamond, the same standards apply in selection. Diamond certifications are also known as grading systems and the higher up on the grading system; the more “bang for the buck” clients receive. That is a simplistic breakdown of what to look for when choosing a diamond. If you are curious to know more about the perfect diamond, check here.

A document from a gemological lab that shows the cut, clarity, carat weight, and color goes a long way in making a decision on a diamond purchase. However, individuals can also spot a poor-quality diamond themselves as there are telltale signs.

Even memorial diamond, which is made from cremation remains or a lock of hair or fur from a pet, should have the same 4 CREs mentioned above. It should not look cloudy. This is a true indicator of lack of clarity.

The cut should be precise and sharp and reflect light from all angles. In other words, it should shine and sparkle when in motion. The carat weight should be exactly what is specified.  Gem labs measure this weight for exactness.

Color is another factor. This component is especially true when buying an ashes-to-jewels memorial diamond. When diamonds are purchased for engagements, or as gifts, the usual colors are white or pink, with perhaps some yellows.

When purchased as a memorialization piece, the color spectrums are wider and red, green, purple, blue, and other colors many times are requested to reflect the deceased person’s characteristics or their favorite color. Or the color can reflect the family’s preferences.

There can be a small mark from a certified gemological lab on the back of each diamond which is used to donate authenticity. This is microscopic and done via laser but this does not mean every lab provides this or even that they are a great lab. The regulations sometimes are lax, unfortunately in too many cases.

It is up to the client to judge how well a diamond follows the 4 CREs of cut, clarity, color,rare ancient, pink and carat weight. A wise consumer goes to a memorialization company like Saint Diamonds, where the processes are structured in such a way that the memorialization processes provide the correct cut, clarity, color, and carat weight.

If in doubt, a client can take the produced ashes-to-jewels diamond to a certified lab of their own. Saint Diamonds welcomes this, as the technology and care in producing ashes-to-jewels is always a priority with this company.

Legitimate certification companies are approved by the governments in both the USA and Europe so care is needed and assistance is available. All questions on certification processes and the following of the CREs are welcomed by Saint Diamonds. Information also exists on the website saint-diamonds, and questions are welcomed.

Ashes-to-jewels quality diamonds are achievable but an informed consumer on the CREs of what constitutes a quality diamond is needed in making an informed choice in memorization jewelry diamonds. Purchase wisely!


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