Is Rejuran Healer Safe?

While popularized by Koreans, Rejuran healer has been used in other countries like Europe since the 2000. Rejuran healer’s principal ingredient is polynucleotide (PN). PN is derived from salmon germ cell which is considered one of the building blocks of human DNA.

The primary effects of Rejuran healer are regenerative and anti-inflammatory. As such, PN has also been used in other aspects of medicine such as gynecology, dermatology, and orthopedics.

Rejuran is also known to effectively accelerate the growth and repair of tissues. It is also deemed to help effectively heal burns, scars, keloids, surgical wounds, and skin ulcers. Rejuran is also known for its powerful action of scavenging free radicals that cause skin aging and damage.

Is Rejuran Healer Safe?

While the long-term safety of Rejuran has not been established completely yet, many studies have been very encouraging. So far, adverse effects caused by the treatment have been limited to mild bruising and pain.

Currently, Rejuran is approved by the Singapore Health Sciences Authority as well as the South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. If your main issue is closed comedones and acne-prone skin, Rejuran is often not considered the first line of treatment.

Depending on the severity, oral medications, medicated creams, or even laser treatments are considered more ideal. One of the effects of Rejuran is the balancing of the skin’s oil and moisture and sebum reduction.

At times, Rejuran is combined with Botox to dramatically reduce pore size and sebum. At times, it is also combined with steroids for those patients with active acne lesions.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Rejuran?

Generally, Rejuran healer is ideal for most skin types. Those with fairly good skin, Rejuran is considered a preventive strategy that can help slow down signs of skin aging. When used as a recovery treatment, Rejuran can be great for those with fine lines, open pores, dry skin, and uneven skin tone.

When Can You See Results of the Treatment?

Results of the procedure will require patience as you won’t be able to see dramatic results after a single session. Healing and regeneration at the cellular level will understandably take time. For optimal results, 3 to 4 sessions spaced at least 3 to 4 weeks apart is considered ideal.

One thing that needs to be considered is downtime. Regardless if it's manually injected or injected using a machine, there will be small needle marks or at times bumps which are noticeable during the first day after the session.

Fortunately, it should be less noticeable on the second or third day and patients can return to their normal activities.

Which type of Rejuran is Best for Me?

The original Rejuran healer is great for all skin types. However, if you have specific skin concerns, the following types may be considered:

Rejuran HB

This type contains a mix of hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides which are considered good for dry and dehydrated skin. The two substances combined are also known to accelerate extracellular matrix hydration while promoting collagen synthesis.

Rejuran S

This is suitable for patients with scars since it is of a thicker viscosity. As such, it is better able to fill up scars that are depressed. It has also been known to help stimulate repair of the scar tissue. Rejuran S is often used in combination with other scar treatments like Fractional CO2 laser.

Rejuran I

This type is especially formulated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. The results can be further enhanced when the treatment is combined with other treatments like thermage, ultherapy, Botox, or lasers.

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