Slow Boat PowerPoint
11 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, Alyssa Panitch, Tahira Reid, Kari Clase, Nancy Irene Tyrie, James Daniel Lehman
The PowerPoint slides which accompanied the Slow Boat design task at the 2013 Summer Institute.
Slow Boat
11 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Bryan Hubbard, Alyssa Panitch, Tahira Reid, Kari Clase, Nancy Irene Tyrie, Evan Rebar, James Daniel Lehman
This 4th grade design task lesson focuses on the concept of drag by asking students to develop ways to slow down a boat.
Whirligigs PowerPoint
11 Jun 2013 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint slides for Whirligig activity on day 1 of the 2013 SLED Summer Institute.
Introduction to Engineering Design
11 Jun 2013 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint slides on engineering design from day 1 of the 2013 SLED Summer Institute.
Circuits PowerPoint
10 Jun 2013 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
PowerPoint slides to accompany the Design of a Door Alarm task.
Design of a Door Alarm
10 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
This grade 4 design task helps students learn about simple circuits by designing a door alarm.
Sound Lesson PowerPoint
10 Jun 2013 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
PowerPoint slides to accompany the Designing Musical Instruments for a Rock Band lesson.
Design of Musical Instruments for a Rock Band
10 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, Erin K Doherty, James Daniel Lehman, Venkatesh Merwade
This grade 3 design task helps students to learn about sound by designing a stringed musical instrument.
Sound Absorption
09 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This grade 3 lesson plan focuses on a design task to create a wall to absorb sound.
Exploring Whirligigs
09 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
This inquiry lesson, for grades 3-4, involves students conducting a fair test investigation to determine the way an object (a whirligig) falls through the air and how this fall depends on its mass, surface area, and other factors. This lesson is an adaptation of a lesson developed by...
Lifeguard Chair
09 Jun 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
This lesson, for grades 3-6, involves an introductory design activity to build a lifeguard chair from note cards and tape. It is an adaptation of a design lesson introduced by Engineering is Elementary called “Tower Power.”
Summer Institute Welcome 2013
07 Jun 2013 | Publications | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman, Chell Nyquist
This is the introductory PowerPoint presentation for the 2013 SLED Summer Institute in PDF format.
Perspectives on the SLED Project
05 Jun 2013 | Demonstration Video | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This video provides perspectives on the SLED project from members of the leadership team and participating teachers.
SLED 2012 Summer Institute Video
05 Jun 2013 | Demonstration Video | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This video provides a brief overview of the SLED Summer Institute, with scenes from the 2012 Summer Institute, and includes comments about the value of the institute from several of the participating teachers.
The Case of the Pilfered Pin
29 May 2013 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This is an inquiry activity for grades 3-4. Students must measure temperature, mass, and length in order to solve a mystery.
Design Team Developed: Plastic Water Bottle Design
30 Nov 2012 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This lesson plan, intended for grade 6, focuses on using mathematics to design the shape of a plastic water bottle to optimize the surface area to volume ratio and so reduce the amount of plastic used to make the bottles.
Design Team Developed: Reasons for Seasons
30 Nov 2012 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
The Reasons for Seasons lesson, designed to meet 5th grade standards, addresses an important science concept involving the movements of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis.
Pill Bugs' Habitat Inquiry Activity
11 Nov 2012 | Lesson Plans | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This is an inquiry activity, aligned to grade 4-6 standards, in which students design fair test investigations to determine the habitat of pill bugs (roly polies).
SLED Perspectives Newsletter Fall 2012
05 Nov 2012 | Publications | Contributor(s): WooRi Kim, James Daniel Lehman
The SLED Perspectives newsletter contains project updates and information for fall 2012.
Teacher Reflection Upload Video
11 Oct 2012 | Teacher Reflections | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This video provides a step-by-step overview of how to upload a teacher reflection to the SLEDhub site.
Reflection Upload Guide
11 Oct 2012 | Teacher Reflections | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This printed guide outlines the steps to follow to upload a teacher reflection to the SLEDhub site.
SLED Teacher Reflection Template 2012
11 Oct 2012 | Teacher Reflections | Contributor(s): Brenda Capobianco, James Daniel Lehman
This is the template teachers should use for SLED reflections during the 2012-13 academic year.
Teacher Reflection: Lehman, Prosthetic Leg, Fall 2012
09 Oct 2012 | Teacher Reflections | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
This is Jim Lehman's reflection on the prosthetic leg activity in Fall 2012.
Model Ecosystem Video
04 Oct 2012 | Demonstration Video | Contributor(s): David C Eichinger, James Daniel Lehman
In this video, Professor David Eichinger discusses a model ecosystem activity that is used in Biology for Elementary Teachers and is applicable to the elementary classroom.
Bottle Design PowerPoint from 2012 SLED Summer Institute
25 Jun 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): James Daniel Lehman
PowerPoint presentation for the bottle design activity from the 2012 SLED Summer Institute by Professor Larry Braile.