
Profile picture of Bradley Duerstock

Bradley Duerstock created this post

Coverslip holder for culture wellplates

This holder was developed to place and dip a typical size glass coverslip into a 6-well culture plate. The coverslip is used to plate culture cells so they can be removed from the well plate for simpler microscopical observation. The standard procedure is to use forceps to hold the edge of the coverslip when placing and removing from the well plate. This procedure is difficult for both sighted and BVI users. Williams, G.J., Gonzales, A., Lo, A., Nolan, J., Grimmer, J., Marquis, A., Duerstock, H., Mendrysa, S., Duerstock, B.S. “Accessible Micropipetting and Cell Culturing Tools for Researchers Who are Blind or Visually Impaired”, In Proc. of Annual Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America Conference 2014, June 11-15, 2014.

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"The Lab Bench" catalog of 3-D printable tools for STEM

Catalog listing of assistive technologies (AT) that can be 3-D printed to assist PWDs in performing lab and engineering tasks more independently. The CAD drawings can be altered to your own specifications. Some of these AT devices may be built for a fee.

5 posts

Profile picture of Monish S Shah

Monish S Shah