Why Mobile-First Design is Important for Google Rankings

Google’s new approach of mobile-first index is going to close the chapter of traditional search engine optimization techniques. Mobile-first indexing is a game changer and to stay ahead on your competitors and on top of SERPs, it is important to know about the mobile-first index so that you can optimize your website accordingly.

Before we dive in, let’s understand the concept of mobile-first index.

What is Mobile-First Indexing?

We all know that Google crawls our websites to add pages to its search results. The action is performed by a bot that surfs around the website like a real user and follows links on your pages.

In the past, Google used to crawl your website as a desktop user. Now, Google will crawl your website as a mobile user. This creates a huge difference for your business.  

Your website appears entirely different on a mobile as it looks on desktop. In most cases, the links that appear on the desktop version of your website might not appear on the mobile version. This is simply not goof for businesses, because the Googlebot can’t follow those links that are not appeared on mobile version of your website. Consequently, your site might lose rankings in the SERPs.

It is important to take into account that Google uses a number of ranking factors to determine where your site should land in the search pages. If the Googlebot finds that your website is not mobile-friendly or takes forever to load, you are definitely going to take a hit in the SERPs.

All in all, while optimizing your website for search engine optimization, it is now indispensable to optimize it for mobile users. That’s a prime need now for almost every business present online.

Why Mobile Optimization Index is the Next Big Thing?

If you are still wondering why Google is giving high-priority to a mobile-first index, there is a simple reason. These days, mobile is everything.

The number of smartphone users have beaten the number of desktop users a few years back. Google is little however. Moreover, Google thinks that there are more mobile searches than desktop searches. So, it clearly indicates that Googlebot must consider mobile optimized websites and give rankings to them.

Why Mobile-First Design is Important for Businesses?

If you don’t have a mobile-optimized website yet, now’s the right time to consult a company that offers responsive website design solutions and create a mobile-optimized website for your business. So that you can improve your search engine rankings and appear on top of SERPs and mobile users easily find your website.

In case if you don’t have a mobile version of your website, Googlebot will crawl the desktop version, no matter if it is using a mobile user agent to crawl your website. That means, chances are Google will index your website even though it doesn’t have a mobile version.

Pro Tip here: You should consider developing a responsive website design. As in this mobile-first age, any brand who is serious about creating a strong online existence needs a website that easily adapts to a mobile platform. So, should you.

Impact on Rankings

Mobile-first indexing has no profound impact in changing your rankings. However, if you haven’t created a mobile friendly website, you shouldn’t expect to rank higher on search engines against certain keywords.

As Google has already started using mobile-first crawlers to index sites. It will take few more months prior to its complete implementation. And no one even Google is unclear about when the rollout will be fully completed. This is why company is still in the testing mode. However, Google will prefer more and more mobile searches over time that makes it clear that the mobile user agent crawler is performing well.

Eventually, Google will consider only one index and which will be mobile index. The rollout period shows two indexes, desktop and mobile both. Some users will see results from the mobile index while other users see results from the desktop index. Surprisingly, people will have no idea which index is showing results.


As mobile-first results will become more prevalent, businesses need to create a mobile friendly website design to stay ahead of this game.

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There are so many cool opportunities! Now you can develop cross-platform games for different environments, and it will be high quality and beautiful. If you want to find specialists who work with both 2D and 3D animation, as well as work with different engines, then I recommend checking this...

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