Events: Details

Science Learning through Engineering Design Summer 2014 Workshop

Category: Workshop
Description: SLED, Science Learning through Engineering Design, is a National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership project of Purdue University’s Colleges of Education, Engineering, Science, and Technology; the Discovery Learning Research Center; regional industries; and the Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Plymouth, and Taylor Community schools. The goal of the SLED partnership is to improve science learning in grades 3-6 through the integration of an engineering design-based approach to science learning in the targeted grades. The project will achieve this goal by preparing teachers and prospective teachers to utilize engineering design as a way to teach inquiry-based science in the classroom, adapting and creating curricular materials that support the teaching of elementary science through design, and gathering evidence of outcomes that contributes to a better understanding of how teachers teach using design and how students learn science through design-based activities. The partnership involves teachers and administrators in the participating schools, teacher educators, university scientists and engineers, and community partners all working together to improve students’ learning.
When: Monday 09 June, 2014 12:00 pm EDT - Friday 20 June, 2014 9:00 pm EDT
Where: Purdue University, Discovery Learning Research Center
  1. Engineering Design
  2. K-12
  3. sled
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