LASER PULSE will award up to 34 grants over the course of a 4-year period (2019-2022), with each award ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. Calls for proposals will be linked to our semi-annual R4D Conferences, in which the specific focal themes of each of 7 funding rounds will be determined.
Following each R4D conference, LASER PULSE will place a call for pre-proposals consisting of a 3 page summary of proposed research. Each entry will be evaluated for its quality and potential impact; approximately 20 will be selected in order to invite the submitting research team to supply LASER PULSE with a full research proposal. Gender and research translation must explicitly be demonstrated in every proposal to be considered for selection.
Eligibility is restricted to research teams consisting of US and developing country universities partnered with a field-level development practitioner, private sector actor, or an LMIC government entity.
Semi-annual 3-day conferences held in rotating regions in USAID countries, click for details: