
LASER PULSE Convenings

Research for Development (R4D) Conferences

Our semi-annual R4D conferences, of which the May 2019 Conference in Uganda is the first one, will be held in rotating regions (of USAID priority countries) where our consortium members and HEI network partners are currently implementing projects and/or undertaking translational research.  These 3-day events will engage academic researchers, donors and NGO implementers, and government and private sector actors with a view towards creating strategic partnerships amonngst them in order to work on Sustainable Development Goals in different regions of the world.

ConferenceThese conferences will include a mix of small and large group experiences for hands-on learning and contribution to identifying relevant research agendas.  Sessions will feature:

  • research networking (poster sessions, presentations, and informal events)
  • presentations on effective practices for supporting research
  • gap analysis presentations
  • examples of, and best practices for, research to translation
  • results and recommendations
  • opportunities for input into 3-4 development issues to hone research questions

Fast-Track R4D Workshops

To a lesser extent, and on a smaller scale, LASER PULSE will conduct workshops with selected HEI partners in a given country to facilitate on-going research efforts that require some support for research translation.  We envision a 2-day meeting to discuss core LASER PULSE thematic areas (e.g. translation, gender, capacity building) and to set the stage for a subsequent call for proposals.