
Meet the ELRC Team

Wilella Burgess - Director

Role - for vision, strategic planning, internal and external partnership development, project ideation and initiation, research, evaluation, and center management.

View Willie's profile

Loran Carleton Parker - Associate Director, Principal Evaluation and Research Scholar

Role - Formal and informal education research design and theoretical frameworks for educational research and evaluation. Project ideation and development.

View Loran's profile

Senior Evaluation and Research Associate - Lindley McDavid

Role - Education research and evaluation specializing in psychological constructs and assessment.

View Lindley's profile

Senior Research Associate and Lead Data Scientist-Ann Bessenbacher

Role-Data management, evaluation, administrator, project management

View Ann's profile

Evaluation and Research Associate- Jennifer Sdunzik

View Jennifer's profile

Damilola Seyi-Oderinde

Evaluation and Research Associate-Damilola Seyi-Oderinde

View Damilola's profile

Lukas Ingersoll photo

Evaluation and Research Associate-Lukas Ingersoll 

View Lukas's profile

Kyle Habig photo

Data Research Assistant - Kyle Habig

Role - Support the work of the ELRC through the maintenance and manipulation of research data sets generated by ELRC projects.

View Kyle's profile

Alex France photo

 Evaluation and Research Assistant - Alex France

Role-qualitative research specialist, social science theory.

View Alex's profile

Administrative Assistant - Laura Warner

Role - IRB librarian, evaluation support, Web master, scheduling.

View Laura's profile