

Because every project is different, ELRC uses a personalized approach to collaboration.  We start with a conversation early in proposal development to understand the scale and scope of the project, the goals and objectives, and the needs.  ELRC staff bring expertise in the full range of educational research studies (foundational, early-stage or exploratory, design and development) and studies that assess the impact of educational interventions and strategies (efficacy, effectiveness, and scale-up).

ELRC staff are experienced in program (or external) evaluation that examines the effectiveness and efficiency of a program or project. Drawing on a portfolio of tools, ELRC staff work with partners to identify appropriate research and evaluation models (i.e. theory driven, outcomes or activity approaches) and develop logical research and evaluation frameworks that guide proposal development and project implementation.  ELRC collaboration fosters successful projects at all stages from project inception through completion, including contributing to scholarly publications.

Project Evaluation


Designing Evaluation Plans


Assessing Implementation and Monitoring Progress


Measuring Outcomes and Impact

Learning Research Grant Development 


Development of Educational Frameworks


Project Management