
Transforming Together


There is much visible commitment to inclusion and diversity, yet as a nation we continue to miss our diversity targets. The gap in achievement between students of different backgrounds is persistent against an outpouring of resources and initiatives. The difference in access, experience, and success between different student demographics is alarming.

Traditional approaches focus primarily on assimilating low-income and under-represented groups into the academic culture without examining the systemic patterns within the culture that work together to create inequity.


  • We are a faculty and staff community of practice working to overcome hidden values and models within the Higher Education (especially STEM) culture that may perpetuate inequity.
  • The premise of our work is that faculty are the stewards of the academic culture and an important agent of students' learning and experience. We have the agency to affect the culture.
  • The nature of our work is a grassroots faculty and administrators development process using expertise from different colleges at Purdue and beyond. We explore, learn, and apply together.
  • We are open to all colleagues at Purdue. Feel free to join our mailing list by contacting Karen White and come to any/all of our meetings.




"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

We recognize inequity and strive for equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion at Purdue.

Education is our salvation.