Module 1

Evaluation Workshop

Module 1

Meeting 11/6/2021
  • Review the purpose and components of project evaluation
  • Examine the relationship between a project Theory of Change and project evaluation 
  • Articulate a Theory of Change for your projects
Background and Resources

In preparation for Saturday's session, please review the following brief documents:

  1. Review How-To Note and Theory of Change documents
  2. Write a 1 sentence statement that describes the long-term goal of your project. Note, the goal should center on the impact of your project if it is successful. (Follow this link or go to the Discussion page from the menu bar above to enter your statement.)
  3. Identify 3-4 preconditions necessary to achieve success. These are the intermediate steps that should precede success. It is helpful to write them as "if..., then..." statements. (Follow this link or go to the Discussion page from the menu bar above to enter the 3-4 preconditions.)



Saturday’s in-person meeting will include a brief review of the role of a good theory of change in evaluation planning and program implementation. We will use your examples to think together about how theories of change can be useful in your project design.