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The Ripple Project - A Grand Alternative

April 24 6:30-8:30 – on the Purdue University Campus in DLR 131 Join us for the kick start event and make an impact in today’s world. – Learn to use the new Purdue Citizen Science site: The Ripple Project – Find out about exciting Citizen Science opportunities – Enjoy a free sundae bar from Dairy Queen – Change begins with the smallest splash! Use one of our laptops or tablets or bring your own.

  1. Citizen Science
  2. Glacier Tracker
  3. moraines
  4. The Ripple Project

Comments on this entry

  1. Robin L Blomdin

    Hi all,

    I’m part of the science team that work with reconstructing glaciers of the last ice age using moraines. I have finally looked through the data from the Ripple project – A Grand Alternative and the great thing about it is that you all have really travelled to completely different parts of the world! And there are a lot of good observations! Follow the dropbox link below to download a Google Earth Kml file with your moraines. I have commented on you findings.

    Have a great day,


    Ps. You might have to copy-paste the link for it to work.

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  7. Xandra 3104236252 Morin


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