#+++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Computing of correlation matrix #+++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Required package : corrplot # x : matrix # type: possible values are "lower" (default), "upper", "full" or "flatten"; #display lower or upper triangular of the matrix, full or flatten matrix. # graph : if TRUE, a correlogram or heatmap is plotted # graphType : possible values are "correlogram" or "heatmap" # col: colors to use for the correlogram # ... : Further arguments to be passed to cor or cor.test function # Result is a list including the following components : # r : correlation matrix, p : p-values # sym : Symbolic number coding of the correlation matrix library(data.table) mynhanes <- fread('https://stemedhub.org/resources/4263/download/mynhanes.csv', showProgress = FALSE) rquery.cormat<-function(x, type=c('lower', 'upper', 'full', 'flatten'), graph=TRUE, graphType=c("correlogram", "heatmap"), col=NULL, ...) { library(corrplot) # Helper functions #+++++++++++++++++ # Compute the matrix of correlation p-values cor.pmat <- function(x, ...) { mat <- as.matrix(x) n <- ncol(mat) p.mat<- matrix(NA, n, n) diag(p.mat) <- 0 for (i in 1:(n - 1)) { for (j in (i + 1):n) { tmp <- cor.test(mat[, i], mat[, j], ...) p.mat[i, j] <- p.mat[j, i] <- tmp$p.value } } colnames(p.mat) <- rownames(p.mat) <- colnames(mat) p.mat } # Get lower triangle of the matrix getLower.tri<-function(mat){ upper<-mat upper[upper.tri(mat)]<-"" mat<-as.data.frame(upper) mat } # Get upper triangle of the matrix getUpper.tri<-function(mat){ lt<-mat lt[lower.tri(mat)]<-"" mat<-as.data.frame(lt) mat } # Get flatten matrix flattenCorrMatrix <- function(cormat, pmat) { ut <- upper.tri(cormat) data.frame( row = rownames(cormat)[row(cormat)[ut]], column = rownames(cormat)[col(cormat)[ut]], cor =(cormat)[ut], p = pmat[ut] ) } # Define color if (is.null(col)) { col <- colorRampPalette(c("#67001F", "#B2182B", "#D6604D", "#F4A582", "#FDDBC7", "#FFFFFF", "#D1E5F0", "#92C5DE", "#4393C3", "#2166AC", "#053061"))(200) col<-rev(col) } # Correlation matrix cormat<-signif(cor(x, use = "complete.obs", ...),2) pmat<-signif(cor.pmat(x, ...),2) # Reorder correlation matrix ord<-corrMatOrder(cormat, order="hclust") cormat<-cormat[ord, ord] pmat<-pmat[ord, ord] # Replace correlation coeff by symbols sym<-symnum(cormat, abbr.colnames=FALSE) # Correlogram if(graph & graphType[1]=="correlogram"){ corrplot(cormat, type=ifelse(type[1]=="flatten", "lower", type[1]), tl.col="black", tl.srt=45,col=col,...) } else if(graphType[1]=="heatmap") heatmap(cormat, col=col, symm=TRUE) # Get lower/upper triangle if(type[1]=="lower"){ cormat<-getLower.tri(cormat) pmat<-getLower.tri(pmat) } else if(type[1]=="upper"){ cormat<-getUpper.tri(cormat) pmat<-getUpper.tri(pmat) sym=t(sym) } else if(type[1]=="flatten"){ cormat<-flattenCorrMatrix(cormat, pmat) pmat=NULL sym=NULL } list(r=cormat, p=pmat, sym=sym) }