Scientific Writing - How to Ensure Successful Publication of Your Scientific Research Paper
After your finished writing your research article,
Science writing courses is not just writing about science; it is the technical writing that scientists do to communicate their research to others. Scientific writing is predicated on the rigors of scientific inquiry, so it must reflect the same precision as that demanded in the research process. Scientific communication demands precision (the precise use of words and phrases), clarity, and economy. This distinction is an important one because the writer is communicating highly technical information to others who might, or might not, be as knowledgeable; they may be from a different discipline; they may, or may not, be a native speaker of the language used. Many journals have international audiences, so precise communication helps prevent misunderstandings and mistranslations in other contexts. Communicating facts, figures, and methods used in research––as well as the description of the results––has to be precise and exact. The research question, hypotheses, methods, analysis, and conclusions must be stated clearly and simply.
The next steps
In order to publish
On the homepage of the journal,
Be careful with the authors' instructions, as they vary from journal to journal and adjust your article's format
For the submission process per say,
- Authors' names and their emails and affiliations
- Postal address,
telephone number , fax number, email address and name of the corresponding author. - A list of preferred reviewers.
- The article's title.
- A brief summary of you research (i.e. the abstract).
- A list of keywords.
- The total word count.
- A cover letter.
- Your paper's files which include title, manuscript, abstract, references etc.
- The tables and figures.
First of all,
Second, you'll upload all the files and organize them
For this reason, as mentioned in this scientific writing course students in the sciences, particularly undergrad and graduate students, as well as researchers with relative little experience on how to write a research paper should look for online training that can help them learning how to write an outline for a research paper, writing an introduction for a research paper or how to write a literature review for a research paper.
Finally, you'll complete the submission process by sending
One important thing is