Hypospadias - A Defect in the Male Infants' Genital

Hypospadias is a birth defect that occurs when urethral is in irregular position. This is a condition where the bladder is exposed to the outer walls of the body. This is also known as a malformation in which urethral tube and foreskin on penis are affected.

Hypospadias is congenital; it is a birth defect which occurs during fetal maturity. When the developing fetus in the urethra doesn't mature to complete its length and the foreskin doesn't complete the development, an additional foreskin is left on the top but no foreskin on the base of penis is left.

Babies may also experience hypospadias symptoms like foreskin and penis abnormal appearance where the urine stream has an abnormal direction. In some cases, the penis is curved down. This birth defect usually affects male newborns, and new born baby boys with congenital problem like inguinal hernias or un-descended testes.

Hypospadias may be diagnosed by experts in baby's condition and this could be detected by conducting physical test. This congenital disease may also be treated and doctors may be able to figure it out through heath condition, medical histories, level of the conditions and how the babies tolerate the medications and therapies is one of the main concerns.

Hypospadias Surgery in Karachi can be restored by the process of surgery. Typically, when the baby reaches the age of 6 to 12 months, the surgical repair may be done only if the penile growth is negligible. Male babies with this disease can't undergo circumcision. This method can usually be completed on an outpatient basis. If the deformity is not repaired, complications may occur when the baby matures. This may cause urine stream abnormality and it may extend out and spray in several directions. As the baby grows, his penis may curve and lead to sexual dysfunction.

Though the analysis of hypospadias has been conducted with the use of ultrasonography, the finding is usually done by the examination of the newborn infants. This defect is caused by genetic factors. This may be the result of 2 fetuses for human chorionic gonadotropin formed with single placenta and doesn't have adequate supply of urethral development. When it comes to endocrine factors, androgen is decreased and is unable to be used to help the fetus develops. Furthermore, this defect cannot be prevented. It happens when there are abnormalities in the development of the baby inside the womb of the mother and the only way to correct this abnormality is surgery.




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