Quickly Resolve The Trouble Of Linksys Velop Red LED


Linksys Velop is a device that offers high internet speed in all directions of the office and house. But in most cases, Linksys Velop device starts blinking red due to which you can’t or are unable to enjoy the fast internet speed in all directions. To fix the Linksys Velop red LED issue consider the below solutions. 

Pick The Best Placement For Velop And Nodes

Due to placing the Linksys Velop device at an improper location, the device starts blinking the RED LED. It shows that the Linksys Velop and nodes are placed so far from each other and have low internet connectivity. 

There is no doubt that you settle the Linksys Velop nodes at the dead zone areas but it must be within range of Linksys Velop so that there will be enough strong connection. We suggest that you locate the Linksys Velop and nodes at a minimal distance to remove the Linksys Velop node blinking red LED issue. By doing this, we expect you can resolve the Linksys Velop red LED issue. 

WiFi Signal Interference 

When you select or choose the best location for the Linksys Velop and node then just keep in mind that there is not any interference from any other WiFi device. For example, metal or electronic appliances in houses and offices disrupt the WiFi network. So make sure that you don't settle the Linksys Velop and node closer to these appliances. 

Eliminate Or Discard Unauthorized Gadgets Users 

When you verify the WiFi-connected device list on the Linksys app, you can easily see the unauthorized users. Low network security can permit external users to guess the security passcode easily. If there is any unauthorized gadget user then try to eliminate or discard it by creating a new or strong WiFi password. Make sure that the new password is difficult to figure out for unauthorized users. By considering all the apart steps, the Linksys Velop red light issue is now completely fixed. 

Look Configuration Settings 

There might be a fault in the old setup settings if you are unable to fix the Linksys Velop node blinking red light issue by trying the apart solution tips. When you are doing the configuration process of the Linksys Velop you may fill in the wrong credentials. In that case, discard or eliminate all the previous settings and do again the Linksys Velop configuration process. 

Get The Latest Version Of Linksys Velop 

First, go to the Linksys Velop web management page. Make sure that you open the web management page only on that WiFi device that connects to the Linksys Velop network. Next, tap on the network administration option and then click on the software upgrade option. In case you see the latest version of the software file then install it on your laptop or computer. Lastly, restart the Linksys Velop device to complete the software upgrade process. 

Restart Velop 

There are two ways to restart the Linksys Velop device. 


By Web Browser

  • On a WiFi device, open the browser. 

  • Next, visit the Linksys Velop web management page. 

  • Later, on the left side hit on troubleshooting. 

  • Further, from the menu bar click on the diagnostic. 

  • Finally, hit on the restart icon to restart the Linksys Velop device. 


Via Linksys Application 

  • Initially, on an Android phone install the Linksys application from the Google Play store. 

  • Next, launch the application and tap on the settings. 

  • Further, visit the network administration option. 

  • Lastly, look for the restart option and try to restart the Linksys Velop device. 

Reconfigure Linksys Velop 

At the Linksys Velop device bottom, you can easily see the reset hole button. Now, push that reset button by the hairpin. After pushing, all the Linksys Velop LEDs will be turned off. Thus, the Linksys Velop is now completely reset. 


Note: After resetting the Linksys Velop device do the configuration process of Linksys Velop again. 

Linksys Velop Installation Procedure 

  • Initially, launch the Linksys application on an Android phone and pick the Linksys Velop configuration option from the bottom. 

  • Now, permits or allows all the terms and conditions. 

  • After that, choose the Velop and select which type of configuration process you have. 

  • Now, in the socket plug in the Linksys Velop device and then select it plugged in. 

  • Later, locate all the Linksys Velop nodes in the allowance area of the office or house. 

  • Next, by ethernet cable attach the Linksys Velop unit with a modem and then select its connection. 

  • The smartphone will now link with your Linksys Velop and begin to configure the internet connection for you. 

  • The solid purple starts blinking on the Linksys Velop device. Select the next one once it's changed. 

  • Insert an email address and security password to manage the Linksys Velop network. Then pick Create an Account. 

  • Hence the Linksys Velop configuration process is done now. 

Tip: If you have the Linksys extender device in your house you can easily do the Linksys extender login and installation process from the same app. 

After the entire study of this post, the Linksys Velop red light issue is now completely fixed. As well as you also learn the proper information about the configuration process. In a case in your office and house, you are having another Linksys device such as a RE7000 extender. If you are looking for the login and configuration but fail to select the correct one. In that condition, simply visit the Linksys RE7000 setup page and consider or follow all the directions. 

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