What You Should Know about ECG and ECG Procedure?

ECG (electrocardiogram) is an important tool for physicians and healthcare professionals to monitor and diagnose long-term cardiovascular health. The ECG can be done using a handheld device such as a stethoscope. Still, with the increase in technology, there are now also portable devices that allow for more convenient ECG monitoring.

Depending on your symptoms, your healthcare provider may refer you to any leading echocardiology center for your test. While it may sound a bit intimidating, the procedure is pretty straightforward and does not come with any serious risks.

More about ECG Procedure

Before getting an electrocardiogram, you do not have to limit what you eat or drink in any way. But before the procedure, you should always inform your doctor about the drugs you are currently taking and whether or not you have any sensitivities to the adhesive tapes used to connect the electrodes.

When you get an electrocardiogram, you will be required to take off your top layer of clothes so that electrodes may be placed on your chest and limbs. When worn with pants or a skirt, a top that is worn separately might make it simpler to reach the chest area. It is possible that you will be requested to remove your underwire bra before the electrocardiogram to get an accurate result.

An electrocardiogram reads more accurately when performed on skin that is not oily or has sticky lotions.  Because hair hinders the electrodes from establishing appropriate contact with the skin, the areas chosen for the procedure may need to be shaved if necessary – it is not always necessary.

Sensors (electrodes) are affixed to the arms, chest, and legs with adhesive gel. The electrocardiograph measures and records the electrical currents detected by these electrodes. While the procedure mostly stays the same, your healthcare provider may decide on the best type of ECG for you. For instance, feel free to call cardiocarellc at any time.

  • Resting ECG: This form of ECG requires you to lie down. Your muscles generate electrical impulses, so you must stay still to avoid interfering with your test results. You usually need 5-10 minutes to conduct the test.
  • Holter ECG: For this, you must wear a piece of portable recording equipment for at least 24 hours to record your heartbeats. Even though the monitor is hooked, you have complete freedom to roam about. An intermittent ECG is used to monitor patients who may not display symptoms on a resting ECG, while a post-heart attack ECG is used to monitor patients recuperating from a heart attack. A diary is used to track your symptoms so that they may be compared to the ECG.

Be sure to work with your doctor and confirm what type of ECG scan is needed in your case to help evaluate your heart health.

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