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  • Created 26 Jan 2016
Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium – 
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 @ 01:00 pm EDT — Tuesday, April 12, 2016 @ 05:00 pm EDT
Union Ballroom
Attend the Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Why should I participate in the Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium?

Being a part of what makes Purdue excellent prepares you for future experiences where you will need to present and apply your work. Being directly involved in the process of discovery, along with the feedback from judges and other student participants during the symposium will prove invaluable in your efforts to present your work in the future.

The Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium is open to the public and showcases the research of undergraduate students. Faculty members from your particular college will be judging your poster.

Enter your research poster and win cash prizes!

The Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium is open to the public and showcases the research of undergraduate students. Participation in the Undergraduate Research & Poster Symposium earns recognition on your Purdue Co-Curricular Transcript.

Other Opportunities to Showcase Your Work

Communicating research through presentations and publications is an important part of the research process. Several options are available to students for showcasing and publishing their work. A primary option is the annual campus-wide Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium, held in April. Several undergraduate research programs and academic units also have symposiums/poster sessions throughout the year. For example, the Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship Program (DURI) conducts a forum and poster session near the end of the academic year. For those students who are willing to invest more effort, the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research (JPUR) holds the option of experiencing the scholarly publishing process and its benefits. The Purdue Journal of Service-Learning (PJSL), a multi-disciplinary Open Access journal available in print and online, dedicated to students who conduct projects with strong service-learning and academic civic engagement aspects. Click “Get Published” for more information.
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